Monday, October 19, 2009

365 day 2

Even though it's late, it is still the second day. Yesterday for my first post I was tweaking with format (html, blogger, color profiles for web) and what have you, so the post might have shown up as today in some time zones. The point is not the "publishing" them every day, but making them every day.

I just got home from a concert. It's 23:15 so I'm waiting for the pics to come of my slooow card reader. I could have mailed them to me and it might have been faster. Truth is, at 28 mb a piece, it takes a while. Shot some video as well. That goes on that internet site... what's it called... youSomething. It'll be my first. See what happens. I know close friends would love to see those. So here goes day 2.

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Photo Shelter